

The application server creates the activity.log file from the activity of the various WebSphere Application Server components. you cannot read this log with a text reader. You ca use this script called, showlog under appserver root.
./WAS_INST_ROOT/bin/showlog PATH_TOACTIVITY_LOG/activity.log
like this
websphe: /software/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin
$ ./showlog ../profiles/AppSrv*/logs/activity.log
This displays ur activity log something like this, just as a sample:
ComponentId: Application Server
ProcessId: 18124
ThreadId: 0000005d
ThreadName: WebContainer : 4
SourceId: com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.srt.SRTServletResponse
Manufacturer: IBM
Product: WebSphere
Version: Platform 6.0 [BASE o0526.07]
ServerName: Node01Cell\Node01\server1
TimeStamp: 2008-12-22 12:27:17.175000000
Severity: 2
Category: WARNING
PrimaryMessage: WARNING: Cannot set status. Response already committed


How can we configure Remote Plugin?

This is the procedure
Machine A: WAS
Machine B: IHS
Thumb Rule: Install Plugins on IHS Machine and propagrate them to WAS.
Machine A : Install WAS.
Machine B: Install IHS
Machine B : Install Plugins: In the installation process, you have to select remote WAS, and name for ur webserverconfig, say webserver1. After installation, in the IHS_INST/conf/httpd.conf check for IBM Module entry and Plugin installation paths
Goto the plugin installation path/bin
Check for configurewebserver1.sh/bat
Copy that file, configurewebserver1.sh/bat to WAS box, that is Machine A. The file contains this info.
./wsadmin.sh -f configureWebserverDefinition.jacl webserver1 IHS '/software/IBM/IHS' '
/software/IBM/IHS/conf/httpd.conf' 7700 MAP_ALL '/software/IBM/Plugins' unmanage
d webserver1 hostname solaris
(This is an example, 7700 is port number.)
If you already have enabled global security on WAS, you need to add -username adminusername and -password hispassword at the end of the above script.

Then run the script.

Which creates a WebServer definition in the AppServer.

U need to configure WAS to remote admin WebServer.

Click Here to Download

configuration change when fedarated

1. what are all configuration files got changed when we add a node into cell?

When you federate, dmgr takes control of ur federated node. so, it copys DMGRCell into ur node, and pushes ur node info into dmgrcell.

2. What are server.xml and serverindex.xml?

Server.xml is an xml file :). Which contains the information needed for your JVM, like, ur jvm name, clustername, services, properties, threadpoolsettings, process definitions, components and so on
serverindex.xml :
This is the file whoch holds : host name info, deployed application info, ur app server ports info, etc

3. what is FFDC?

FFDC - First Failure Data Capture.
WebSphere Application Server V6 includes a feature called First Failure Data
Capture (FFDC). The FFDC feature runs in the background and collects events
and errors that occur during WebSphere Application Server runtime. The
information that it collects are written to log files in the
/profiles//logs/ffdc directory.