
WebSphere Administration

WebSphere Administration
I would like to post some information on WebSphere Application Server Administration, starting from How to start, Wherer to Start, Installation Issues, Configuring, Performance Tuning.
-: Installation :-
So, How to install WebSphere 6.0, Base/ND on Windows/Solaris?
Recently I got to install and provide WAS on Solaris Hardware. The requirement was to provide a DEV enviroment for a development team. The demand was to provide WAS on Solaris 10 Hardware. We have license of WAS 6.0.
The installation process I have followed goes like this.
1. Identification of Installation Topology.
2. Preparing the Hardware for Installation.
3. Installation Steps
4. Post Installation Steps.

1. Identification of Installation Topology.
First we need to identify what is the installation topology. Means, How we have to proceed for installation. The scenarios for installation are
* Scenario 1: Single-machine installation of WebSphere Application Server
* Scenario 2: Single-machine installation of WebSphere Application Server and a Web server
* Scenario 3: Two-machine installation of WebSphere Application Server and a Web server
* Scenario 4: Creating multiple profiles that use one installation of WebSphere Application Server
The Demand for my DEV Team matches Secnario 1.

2. Preparing the Hardware for Installation.
Refer this link for this step

3. Installation Process
You have prepared the OS for the WAS Installation. Now it is the time to install WAS 6.0.
You can do that manually, or you can develop script for this process. Before coming into the details of developing of script or manual installation, you need to know some more things. In Solaris, you cannot see the GUI. Everything will be at the command line and you have to chose non UI installation.
For any software to install, you see different modes of installations, viz. Typical, Custom. When you are installation in the UI Mode, you can select the appropriate option. But, in a non UI mode how will you do that? You have to mention all your properties in a file and give that file, means pass that file to the installation process, called RESPONSE_FILE.
To install WAS on Solaris, you need to select the silent installation process.
These are the steps:
1. Have the path of the software.
For example, a CD_SHARE_SERVER, or media. Or ask your Solaris Admin to give the path. In my case, the Solaris Admin mapped the CD_SHARE_SERVER for me.
2. Prepare the Response file.
You can have the sample response file from the following location.
You can take that modify that.

My responsefile goes like this:
I have stored this as responsefile.base.txt in /myfolder on the server box.

-W silentInstallLicenseAcceptance.value="true"
-P wasProductBean.installLocation="/software/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer"
-W setuptypepanelInstallWizardBean.selectedSetupTypeId="Custom"
-P samplesProductFeatureBean.active="true"
-P javadocsProductFeatureBean.active="true"
-W defaultprofileportspanelInstallWizardBean.WC_defaulthost="9080"
-W defaultprofileportspanelInstallWizardBean.WC_adminhost="9060"
-W defaultprofileportspanelInstallWizardBean.WC_defaulthost_secure="9443"
-W defaultprofileportspanelInstallWizardBean.WC_adminhost_secure="9043"
-W defaultprofileportspanelInstallWizardBean.BOOTSTRAP_ADDRESS="2809"
-W defaultprofileportspanelInstallWizardBean.
-W defaultprofileportspanelInstallWizardBean.
-W defaultprofileportspanelInstallWizardBean.
-W defaultprofileportspanelInstallWizardBean.
-W defaultprofileportspanelInstallWizardBean.ORB_LISTENER_ADDRESS="9100"
-W defaultprofileportspanelInstallWizardBean.DCS_UNICAST_ADDRESS="9353"
-W defaultprofileportspanelInstallWizardBean.SIB_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS="7276"
-W defaultprofileportspanelInstallWizardBean.
-W defaultprofileportspanelInstallWizardBean.SIB_MQ_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS="5558"
-W defaultprofileportspanelInstallWizardBean.
-W nodehostandcellnamepanelInstallWizardBean.nodeName="bristowNode01"
-W nodehostandcellnamepanelInstallWizardBean.hostName="bristow"
-W setcellnameinglobalconstantsInstallWizardBean.value="bristowCell01"
-W winservicepanelInstallWizardBean.accountType="localsystem"
-W winservicepanelInstallWizardBean.startupType="manual"
-W winservicepanelInstallWizardBean.userName="websphe"
-W winservicepanelInstallWizardBean.password="admin1"

4. Once you have the response file, it’s the time to actual installation.
Goto the CD_SHARE_PATH or Media Mount, locate WAS6.0 installable folder.
For example
This is my installable folder.
Traverse to WAS folder.
U r at
now, issue the command
install -options “/myfolder/responsefile.base.txt” -silent

This silently installs the WAS 6.0.

The another way of doing this writing as shell script like, name it as installer.sh
if [[ ! -f ${MEDIA_DIR}/WAS/install ]]
echo "\nCannot find webSphere Install Program"
exit 1

umask 022

echo "\nNow installing websphere..."
${MEDIA_DIR}/WAS/install -options ${RESPONSEFILE} -silent

sleep 15
while [[$FOUND -eq 0 ]]
sleep 5
if [[ `/usr/bin/grep INSTCONFFAIL
${INSTALL_DIR}/WebSphere/AppServer/logs/log.txt /usr/bin/wc -l` -gt 0
echo "\nWebSphere install Failed"
exit 1
${INSTALL_DIR}/WebSphere/AppServer/logs/log.txt /usr/bin/wc -l` -gt 0
echo "\nWebSphere install partial success"
exit 1
if [[ `/usr/bin/grep INSTCONFSUCCESS
${INSTALL_DIR}/WebSphere/AppServer/logs/log.txt /usr/bin/wc -l` -gt 0
echo "\nWebSphere Installation Success"
echo "\nWebSphere products installed SUCCESSFULLY"
exit 0

Hopefully this should work with out any script errors, anyhow, my idea is to give an idea about the script, but not to see the script errors.
5. Post Installation
What Now!! We have installed the Application server. Now, this is the time to check post installation steps. Remeber that, the installation creates a profile for you called default. You can find that at WAS_HOME/profiles directory.

First you need to see the logs
check the log.txt.

Goto the WAS_HOME (WAS_HOME is nothing but the Installed path of the WAS). That is /software/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/default/bin.
Give this command
that is
ivt.sh server1 default
This will tell you whether the installation is successful or not.

I said that the installation will create a default profile for you called “default”. You should know what a profile is and how it can help you.
The WebSphere Application Server profile defines the runtime environment. The profile includes all of the files that the server processes in the runtime environment and can change.

Administration is greatly enhanced when using profiles instead of multiple product installations. Not only is disk space saved, but updating the product is simplified when you maintain only a single set of product core files. Also, creating new profiles is faster and less prone to error than full product installations, allowing a developer to create separate profiles of the product for development and testing.

Now, the WAS is installed. You can access the admin console like this

If you have planned to have a Web Server, it is the time for you to install it. You do the same steps for installing Web Server. The WAS Supports Apache, IHS, IIS, etc. Pick yous choice of Web Server and proceed for the installation.

After installing the Web Server, You have to install Plugins. This installation will generate plugin-config.xml, which is supposed to be the communication between Web Server and the WAS.
6. Refresh Packs and Fix Packs
As I said, my goal is to install WAS and I have installed only WAS6.0. How to bring the installation to For that, you need to goto ibm and download fix packs and refresh packs. What I did is, first I have installed Refresh Pack 2 and on that I have installed a fix pack.
Note: Before applying fix packs or refresh packs, make sure that you have stopped the server.
This raises a question, How to install these fix packs and refresh packs?
Note: As a good practice, before installing any fix packs or patches, or refresh packs, take a backup of the existing configuration. How to do that?
Goto WAS_HOME/profiles/default/bin
issue this command
./stopServer.sh server1
This will stops the server.

Now, goto the WAS_HOME/bin
This will take the backup of the server including the default profile.
The back will be stored as WebSphereConfig_YYYY_MM_DD.zip
Again it is a good practice to have separate folder for backups, and this will be according to the company policy.

I have first downloaded refresh pack 2. That comes as a tar.
Download the tar 6.0-WS-WAS-SolarisSparc-RP0000002.tar into the WAS_HOME. Untar it like this.
tar -xvf 6.0-WS-WAS-SolarisSparc-RP0000002.tar

This will create a folder updateinstaller in the WAS_ROOT.
In the updateinstaller folder, search for responsefiles subfolder.
You can see install.txt and uninstall.txt.
These two are responsefiles.
Edit the install.txt for your environment. I have edit that like this

-W maintenance.package="/software/IBM/WebSphere/updateinstaller
-W product.location="/software/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer"
-W update.type="install"

Goto the /WAS_HOME/bin
at the command prompt issue this command
Now, again come to the updateinstaller folder and at the command prompt issue this
$ ./update -options responsefiles/install.txt -silent
This silently installs the refresh pack.
You have to check whether that installer installed properly or not. For that you need to goto the logs.
check all the logs in all the foldrs in this folder.

Once you are done with the confirmation INSTCONFSUCCESS,
goto WAS_HOME/bin/
This will give you the version of the current installation.
Now, start the server
$./startServer.sh server1
If the installation is successful, the server will start.

Now, I have to install Fix Pack.
For that the procedure is same.
First I have cleaned up updateinstaller.
By the way, how to remove a folder which has files in that in Solaris?
rm -r updateinstaller
This is the command.
Now, the folder is deleted. Again download the fix pack 6.0.2-WS-WAS-SolarisSparc-FP0000005.tar
Stop the server as usual. And take the back up of the server as above.
Prepare the install.txt response file and install the fix pack in the silent mode.
Uff!!! Long process!!
Now, check the versionInfo of the product.
WVER0010I: Copyright (c) IBM Corporation 2002, 2005; All rights reserved.
WVER0011I: WebSphere Application Server Release 6.0
WVER0012I: VersionInfo reporter version, dated 4/25/05

IBM WebSphere Application Server Product Installation Status Report

Report at date and time 2006-05-02 15:12:41-0400

Product Directory /software/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer
Version Directory /software/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/properties/version
DTD Directory /software/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/properties/version/dtd
Log Directory /software/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/logs
Backup Directory /software/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/properties/version/update/backup
TMP Directory /var/tmp

Installation Platform
Name IBM WebSphere Application Server
Version 6.0

Product List
BASE installed

Installed Product
Name IBM WebSphere Application Server
Build Level cf50549.21
Build Date 12/8/05

End Installation Status Report

Start the server, access the Admin Console. You will see the admin console.
7. Profiles:
As I said, the installation will create a default profile. If you want you can create your own profile depending on the need.
I will discuss the process of creating your own profile.
There is a command in WAS to create a profile.
In Solaris, the can be created silently using pctSolaris.bin
pctSolaris.bin is the profile creation tool. How to use it and where to find it.
Goto WAS_HOME/bin/ProfileCreator
You will see
So, to install a profile u can have a responsefile and use pctSolaris.bin to create it. There is another way of create profile. That is by using wasprofile.sh.
simply call wasprofile.sh at the command prompt, it will give you the available modes : create, augment, delete, etc....
The syntax of creating profile using wasprofile.sh
wasprofile.sh -create -profileName -profilePath -templatePath -nodename -cellName -hostName
Let us see how to create a profile using pctSolaris.bin
First prepare a responsefile for the profile.
My response file goes like this
# Profile Name devirs-
W silentInstallLicenseAcceptance.value="true"
-W profilenamepanelInstallWizardBean.profileName="devirs"
-W profilenamepanelInstallWizardBean.isDefault="false"
-P installLocation="/software/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/devirs"
# Node name
-W nodehostnamepanelInstallWizardBean.nodeName="bristowdevirsNode"
# Host name
-W nodehostnamepanelInstallWizardBean.hostName="bristow"
# Cell name
-W setnondmgrcellnameinglobalconstantsInstallWizardBean.value="bristowdevirsCell"
# Port value assignment
-W pctdefaultprofileportspanelInstallWizardBean.WC_defaulthost="9081"
-W pctdefaultprofileportspanelInstallWizardBean.WC_adminhost="9063"
-W pctdefaultprofileportspanelInstallWizardBean.WC_defaulthost_secure="9446"
-W pctdefaultprofileportspanelInstallWizardBean.WC_adminhost_secure="9044"
-W pctdefaultprofileportspanelInstallWizardBean.BOOTSTRAP_ADDRESS="2899"
-W pctdefaultprofileportspanelInstallWizardBean.SOAP_CONNECTOR_ADDRESS="8881"
-W pctdefaultprofileportspanelInstallWizardBean.
-W pctdefaultprofileportspanelInstallWizardBean.
-W pctdefaultprofileportspanelInstallWizardBean.
-W pctdefaultprofileportspanelInstallWizardBean.ORB_LISTENER_ADDRESS="9102"
-W pctdefaultprofileportspanelInstallWizardBean.DCS_UNICAST_ADDRESS="9355"
-W pctdefaultprofileportspanelInstallWizardBean.SIB_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS="7279"
-W pctdefaultprofileportspanelInstallWizardBean.
-W pctdefaultprofileportspanelInstallWizardBean.SIB_MQ_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS="5588"
-W pctdefaultprofileportspanelInstallWizardBean.
-W winservicepanelInstallWizardBean.accountType="localsystem"
-W winservicepanelInstallWizardBean.userName="websphe"
-W winservicepanelInstallWizardBean.password="admin1"
-W winservicepanelInstallWizardBean.startupType="manual"
-W profiletypepanelInstallWizardBean.selection="default"
Now, your responsefile is ready.
Start creating a profile using pctSolaris.bin like this:
goto WAS_HOME/bin/ProfileCreator
$pctSolaris.bin -options "mypath/responsefile.txt" -silent
Thats it.
Now, Where to see the logs of your profile for the verification?
goto WAS_HOME/logs/wasprofile
This is the place to check for the creation and deletion logs for your profile. The logs will be created like this wasprofile_create_YOURPROFILENAME.log and wasprofile_delete_YOURPROFILENAME.log. If in creation is not successful, that pctSolaris command will throw errors into the wasprofile_create_YOURPOFILENAME.log
Assume that we have created a profile called "Gongura"
What to do next? You need to verify the installation. How to do that? as I said earlier, you need to goto the WAS_HOME/profiles/Gongura/bin. From now on, WAS_HOME/profiles/Gongura is our PROFILE_HOME. We need to check for the installation verification by calling the command
ivt.sh server1 profilename
After this is successfully returns the profile creation information, its the time to start the server. Before that check the status of the server. The ivt.sh starts the server. To know the status of the server,
serverStatus.sh server1
If the server is up, it returns
The Application server appears to be started


Naalo nenu said...

chala baga rasarandi. mari x-windows tho koda cheyyalema response file ivvakunda ?

Java Technologies By Santhosh Kumar N said...

Marvelous, This helped me very good understanding of the installtion process on solaris.

Thanks a lot.

Java Technologies By Santhosh Kumar N said...

This helped me a lot in installing websphere on solaris for the first time with silent option.

Thanks a lot.
Santhosh Kumar Nagulanchi

Unknown said...

Thx coz it gives good idea/guidence to,who want to know about WAS. Please update this labels,when ever possible.
Keep on adding the new points addition to this.